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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fish painting

just a fish I doodled a few days ago (: and have done some more doodles since (:It was inspired by the songs Pretty Face by Soley and Take Me Somewhere Nice by Mogwai
The steps were actually pretty easy to do (:
1.In order to keep the lines crisp I outlined the my beginning sketch with a thin black sharpie

2.Then to paint the scales without spending too much time I chose a light shade of blue and lightened it more with water. Keeping the brush thin, I lightly tapped the brush down the tail

3.When preparing to change colors, I kept watering down the color as I painted

4. Once the paint dried I went back with the new color and repeated step 3

5.For the fins I watered down the paint and let the colors mix. Then I went back and made strokes with either the pink or blue

6.for the eyes and lips I painted layer by layer to create a little bit of shading (:

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