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Monday, April 23, 2012


Okay! Friday was my second day of body rocking and then today, Monday April 23, was my third day (:
Friday morning I decided to do my body rock in the morning-to help with last times soreness. I don't think I did that much better ): but I sure was trying haha (: After the work out I got ready and left the house. I soon noticed some soreness in my arms and the back of my legs. At first it felt like no big deal, but I ended up taking a pain killer the next day to deal with it. Fortunately it was all gone by the evening and I was able to dance all night (prom) which was great! (:
This morning I woke up late so I ended doing body rock in the evening. This time I began the 30 day body rock challenge (DAY 1-my day 3. lol) . The fitness test wasn't difficult at first and then it got a little more difficult. My results ended up being 20 squat jumps, 11 push ups, 10 burpees, 40 high knees, 12 switch lunges, 17 tuck jumps, 8 tricep dips, and 11 straight abs. I know, I know, I am sooo athletic (; With the fitness test done, I am getting more and more excited for body rock C:

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