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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Body Rock day 4 & 5

Okay okay, I kinda fell off the body rock trail! Thursday I thought a day off wouldn't hurt, right? WRONG! Mostly because the next day I felt even more lazy! Long story short, I body rocked on saturday and sunday(4/29/2012)- body rockin' in the house toniiight! (: And as a consequence of my laziness I will be body rocking for 7 days straight, which I actually don't mind because I am beginning to push myself more C:
Anyways, day 4 wasn't so awful, in reality I wasn't able to follow the feb. 30 day challenge day 4 so I did the day 4 from the 30 day challenge before that(same with day 3). The workout didn't feel too difficult(sign that I have to push more!). Although, I did sweat a lot, so I must have burned some fat. Afterwards I barely felt any soreness. I think that it is only my abs that are a little tender (when I laugh).
Just a little tidbit: I don't know if anyone else is noticing them about their arms, but I feel like mine are toning up a lot C: It's really funny because now I find myself flexing a little, haha
Even though day 4 felt easy it was day 5 that kicked my butt! I followed the feb. challenge and these were my scores: 10:14 minutes & seconds , high knees
[R1(round 1)-45, R2-71, R3-56, R4-71, R5-110, R6-50, R7-80, R8-80], and the cool down was 12:28 minutes and seconds (plus and additional set for 2:12!). I actually found myself breaking a lot and also having difficulty with the push ups ): (I'm gonna work on that) In the end I am more motivated to push myself more!
BTW I'm also doing yoga on the side so that might help with my results C:
Well, til tomorrow everybody!

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