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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Body Rock Day 22.....or 2 (;

*Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been posting anything ): I kinda did something horrible, I gave up ): Today was technically my 22nd day of body rocking, but in reality it is more like the 2nd.*
-P.S. I am writing this at a late hour so please forgive me if the ideas seem a little under developed (:

After doing Body Rock for a little bit and missing a whole week I started to become really unmotivated, like REAAAALLLLLYYYY unmotivated. It even got to the point where I began having to write motivational things on my score paper, just so I would finish the workout. Yeah, I know, pretty bad. And as this went on I just lost the want to blog because of my body rocking shame, but now I'M BACK (:

Even though I didn't stop body rocking for more than a week I felt horrible. Once I would finish the workouts I honestly felt really ugly and I felt like I had a low self-esteem (which is silly because nobody looks perfect after exercising haha (: ) Anyways, as this went on my scores lowered. Also I began counting down to finish which some how made me feel lazier(?) My scores got lazier and I began to feel worse. It wasn't until today that I re-opened my eyes to what I saw before (: body rocking isn't about going through the motions, it is about going through a journey, if you don't push yourself, how do you expect to get any better? (: Honestly I began to complain more about not already having the body I want which then made me lose the other thing about body rock, it is pure fun (: One of the main reasons I started body rocking was because I wanted to push myself and here I was, letting myself slip! I mean sure, I still want great results, but do I have to have them NOW? why can't I just be happy for the results I have been seeing? C: My arms have gone from total jell-o to having more(to me waaay more) definition and my legs are more firm (WITHOUT ME HAVING TO FLEX c: ) On top of that, my chest/neck area seems to have thinned out more and my back might have gotten smaller! (: - wow, writing this all out makes me even more happy with myself, haha (:

Anyways, with such great results I just WANT to keep Body Rocking while keeping in mind that it is NOT about results, but about having fun and working to be healthier! (:

Scores for today! 300 rep challenge, AGAIN (: time today was 22 minutes and 58 seconds- beating my old time by a whopping 25 minutes and 40 seconds! (: YAY!

-P.S. I am kind of starting over and have taken a new before picture and am considering the body rock diet(?) (:

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