

Deals (1) art (6) baking (5) crafts (3) fashion (7) life (3) nail art (6)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 17!!!!!!!!!!! so far :3

Lately I have been trying to keep up the exercise so I keep getting stronger! (: So here are my results!

5 squats 10 high knees- 4,5,5
exploding push up-34,37,31
5 switch lunges and 2 around the worlds-5,6,5
plank jump overs-38,42,35

Another thing I have to share today is a special chocolate chip cookie recipe, but be careful, they are very addicting :3

 I got the cookie recipe from Nana Clare's Kitchen (url at bottom of page). However, because I just LOVE cookies and can never say no to having one more I made a few changes to the recipe (: Instead of using honey, which is quickly absorbed into the system, I used agave nectar. For me I did not notice a difference in sweetness, another plus is that agave nectar is slowly absorbed into the blood so it's good for diabetics (: ! Another thing I added is coconut butter, which is a healthy fat, to help with the cookie's texture (:

Alright, lets begin!

you will need:
½ cup agave nectar
½ cup butter( 1 stick non salted)
1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut butter
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 ½ cups flour
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
3/4 cups dark chocolate chips- little healthy and so yummy
1/4 cup cacao nubs-you can find them at whole foods, have a LOT of iron


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2.In a medium sized bowl, cream the stick of butter. Once smooth, add the agave nectar,coco butter, egg, and vanilla and blend.

3.In a small bowl sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Whisk to combine the ingredients well.

4.Add a little of the dry mixture to the wet mixture and mix until well combined. Do this until you run out of the dry mixture. Never add all of the dry mixture, it will take longer to mix.

5.Once all ingredients are combined, fold in the chocolate chips and cacao.

6.Spoon the cookie dough onto a sheet, 1 inch in between.

7.Bake in oven 10-14 minutes or until brown. And enjoy C:

Nana Clare's kitchen

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fish painting

just a fish I doodled a few days ago (: and have done some more doodles since (:It was inspired by the songs Pretty Face by Soley and Take Me Somewhere Nice by Mogwai
The steps were actually pretty easy to do (:
1.In order to keep the lines crisp I outlined the my beginning sketch with a thin black sharpie

2.Then to paint the scales without spending too much time I chose a light shade of blue and lightened it more with water. Keeping the brush thin, I lightly tapped the brush down the tail

3.When preparing to change colors, I kept watering down the color as I painted

4. Once the paint dried I went back with the new color and repeated step 3

5.For the fins I watered down the paint and let the colors mix. Then I went back and made strokes with either the pink or blue

6.for the eyes and lips I painted layer by layer to create a little bit of shading (:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

new beginnings day 6

July 4th (: - 6th day of body rocking and it felt awesome!

Also it was a beautiful sunny day and since we went to go celebrate and see fireworks I took my new camera out for a spin c: and played with some effects (:
For the picture above I used the miniature effect (: And just messed a little with reflections haha (:

Anyways later on I was able to get some nice pictures of the fireworks, so here is one of my favorites (: I just love fireworks and was really happy with how crisp this picture came out (: unfortunately my camera battery died so I couldn't take any more pics (: oh well, some things you just have to remember (:
After the show I came home and bodyrocked pretty late and so here are my scores!

Body rock burn
switch lunge and woodchop-24,24,27
diagonal knee raise-19,21,25
power jump, push-up and toe touch-9,9,8
pike mat jumps-32,50,53
pike press and knee tuck-12,19,24
leg swing,back lunge and kick-10,14,13

body rock sculpt
side plank leg lift-15
ab circle holds-20
side plank leg lift-17
ab circle holds-23

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Body Rock Day 22.....or 2 (;

*Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been posting anything ): I kinda did something horrible, I gave up ): Today was technically my 22nd day of body rocking, but in reality it is more like the 2nd.*
-P.S. I am writing this at a late hour so please forgive me if the ideas seem a little under developed (:

After doing Body Rock for a little bit and missing a whole week I started to become really unmotivated, like REAAAALLLLLYYYY unmotivated. It even got to the point where I began having to write motivational things on my score paper, just so I would finish the workout. Yeah, I know, pretty bad. And as this went on I just lost the want to blog because of my body rocking shame, but now I'M BACK (:

Even though I didn't stop body rocking for more than a week I felt horrible. Once I would finish the workouts I honestly felt really ugly and I felt like I had a low self-esteem (which is silly because nobody looks perfect after exercising haha (: ) Anyways, as this went on my scores lowered. Also I began counting down to finish which some how made me feel lazier(?) My scores got lazier and I began to feel worse. It wasn't until today that I re-opened my eyes to what I saw before (: body rocking isn't about going through the motions, it is about going through a journey, if you don't push yourself, how do you expect to get any better? (: Honestly I began to complain more about not already having the body I want which then made me lose the other thing about body rock, it is pure fun (: One of the main reasons I started body rocking was because I wanted to push myself and here I was, letting myself slip! I mean sure, I still want great results, but do I have to have them NOW? why can't I just be happy for the results I have been seeing? C: My arms have gone from total jell-o to having more(to me waaay more) definition and my legs are more firm (WITHOUT ME HAVING TO FLEX c: ) On top of that, my chest/neck area seems to have thinned out more and my back might have gotten smaller! (: - wow, writing this all out makes me even more happy with myself, haha (:

Anyways, with such great results I just WANT to keep Body Rocking while keeping in mind that it is NOT about results, but about having fun and working to be healthier! (:

Scores for today! 300 rep challenge, AGAIN (: time today was 22 minutes and 58 seconds- beating my old time by a whopping 25 minutes and 40 seconds! (: YAY!

-P.S. I am kind of starting over and have taken a new before picture and am considering the body rock diet(?) (:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Body Rock day 4 & 5

Okay okay, I kinda fell off the body rock trail! Thursday I thought a day off wouldn't hurt, right? WRONG! Mostly because the next day I felt even more lazy! Long story short, I body rocked on saturday and sunday(4/29/2012)- body rockin' in the house toniiight! (: And as a consequence of my laziness I will be body rocking for 7 days straight, which I actually don't mind because I am beginning to push myself more C:
Anyways, day 4 wasn't so awful, in reality I wasn't able to follow the feb. 30 day challenge day 4 so I did the day 4 from the 30 day challenge before that(same with day 3). The workout didn't feel too difficult(sign that I have to push more!). Although, I did sweat a lot, so I must have burned some fat. Afterwards I barely felt any soreness. I think that it is only my abs that are a little tender (when I laugh).
Just a little tidbit: I don't know if anyone else is noticing them about their arms, but I feel like mine are toning up a lot C: It's really funny because now I find myself flexing a little, haha
Even though day 4 felt easy it was day 5 that kicked my butt! I followed the feb. challenge and these were my scores: 10:14 minutes & seconds , high knees
[R1(round 1)-45, R2-71, R3-56, R4-71, R5-110, R6-50, R7-80, R8-80], and the cool down was 12:28 minutes and seconds (plus and additional set for 2:12!). I actually found myself breaking a lot and also having difficulty with the push ups ): (I'm gonna work on that) In the end I am more motivated to push myself more!
BTW I'm also doing yoga on the side so that might help with my results C:
Well, til tomorrow everybody!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Okay! Friday was my second day of body rocking and then today, Monday April 23, was my third day (:
Friday morning I decided to do my body rock in the morning-to help with last times soreness. I don't think I did that much better ): but I sure was trying haha (: After the work out I got ready and left the house. I soon noticed some soreness in my arms and the back of my legs. At first it felt like no big deal, but I ended up taking a pain killer the next day to deal with it. Fortunately it was all gone by the evening and I was able to dance all night (prom) which was great! (:
This morning I woke up late so I ended doing body rock in the evening. This time I began the 30 day body rock challenge (DAY 1-my day 3. lol) . The fitness test wasn't difficult at first and then it got a little more difficult. My results ended up being 20 squat jumps, 11 push ups, 10 burpees, 40 high knees, 12 switch lunges, 17 tuck jumps, 8 tricep dips, and 11 straight abs. I know, I know, I am sooo athletic (; With the fitness test done, I am getting more and more excited for body rock C:

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Recently I did some semi training for a football game that was just for fun and suddenly I wanted to do more. I wanted to jump higher, run faster, be stronger, and (most of all) HEALTHIER. So when my sister was visiting yesterday and we got on the subject of Body Rock, I exploded with questions. Trying to learn as much as possible I asked questions like “how fast will I lose weight?”, “will it get boring?”, and the typical “Am I going to lose my curves?”. I'm not a trainer or anything so I can't really they are the same for everyone (or even that they are correct), but from what I gather the answers are simple.
1)Weight Loss-It's going to be different for everyone depending on many factors, one being age. Most likely the older you are the slower the results will be and the younger the faster.
2)The Challenge-with body it seems as though more and more are contributing videos. This would then create a living, breathing program, meaning that your body will never get used to it because there is always something new.
3)Curves-You can never isolated muscles to make them stronger. So when you work out you will lose fat EVERYWHERE. BUT you will keep your ratios and possibly gain a little more curves. I am not saying that you will definitely lose your chest and I am not saying that you will definitely gain a chest. What I mean is that your back muscles may get stronger causing a different appearance of a figure.(also not guaranteeing anything because genes are also involved)
With this and more I became excited to start Body Rock.
Now to give some background you should know that I have never really been athletic. I have always been scared of getting hit in sports so I never played. Also I started doing intermediate yoga not so long ago, but I am not too fit just thin/skinny. Of course, I didn't take this too much into account before my first body rock, that work out kicked my butt C: no joke, haha.
At first I was okay beginning one of the warm ups and then by the end of it I just kept thinking how out of shape I am. Seriously, just the warm up got me racing. Then I began the actual workout (studying the modifications first )and withing the first 2 minutes I swore I was going to die(lol). Don't get me wrong it was a great workout and all, but ohmygosh I had to stop a lot due to some slight nausea(drinking water just before might have been my downfall). Close to the end I was close to just ending it. Fortunately I didn't give up and just kept going. When it was all over I basically just fell onto a bed. Then after a few minutes of watching ABC's “Scandal” I went back and did the cool down. Thank goodness the video was basically some yoga moves- that I could handle (: Even though it took me a long time to finish I couldn't help but feel accomplished c:
So there it is you guys, my first experience with body rock. I laughed, I cried (mostly cried haha), and finished with a sense of accomplishment. For those also beginning this journey to a more fit body or those who are far into it, please feel free to leave comments (: