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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Creation of The Lady in Red logo

1. First was the brainstorming and rough sketching. Figured a cartoonish logo would be best because its more cute and easy going.

2. After erasing all the marks I mixed white and black to make the hair and brown, yellow, and red for the skin tone. First I painted the light gray base for the hair and went back to create the lines with a small brush.

3 To get ready for the teeth I went in with white paint to get rid of any other marks.

4. Darkening the skin tone with a little brown and watering it down after I painted the eyelids and nose. When everything dried I used a smaller paintbrush to line the bottom of the eyes with pure black and delicately painting the eyelashes.

5. To prepare for the teeth I used a mix of black, white, and a little water to line the teeth

6. Going back lightly with black I painted within the gray lines to finish the teeth. When dried I went back with red to layer on the lips and black to paint the eyebrows. 

7. For the top I went in with watered down red as the base and layered on the color. As the finishing touch I darkened the neck.

 And voilĂ 

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