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Monday, June 10, 2013

FPSF Day 2

The line up:
-Matt & Kim
-Of Monsters & Men
-TV On the Radio

Day 2 began a little later, got there around 3 to see our favorites starting with Matt & Kim. The couple was dynamite! With the cool songs and crude jokes in between the kept the crowd cheering! It was especially cute and funny when Matt introduced Kim as not only his “partner in crime” but also his “partner in sex”.
Then during one of the songs Kim kept it lively by keeping the beat with her drumsticks and then standing on her bass drum and keeping the beat by slapping her butt (got the crowd cheering more). As though that wasn’t cool enough they even threw out confetti and balloons to the audience. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see what the balloons led to because we had to get a good spot for Of Monsters & Men, but wow. It was fun.

Having just left Matt & Kim, Of Monsters & Men seemed like such a chill concert. Everyone was having a good time and I even started chatting with a couple of girls there. What could make it any better, right? Well nothing, except getting really close to the stage! At first it was so surprising because it was the first big concert where we actually got close to a part of the fence that kept us from jumping on stage like crazed fans. Even better than the fence was that we got to a closer part of the stage (more center) with the help of one of the girls I met. Overall the concert was exciting and (for the lack of a better word) happy! The band did a great job and it was fun to sing along and jump with the songs.

For the next show favorite can’t even describe all my feelings. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. It was the one thing I was waiting for all this time; I loved the artist, loved the songs, loved the messages, loved the style, filled my camera up with pictures, did anything I could to get closer, and yet at the end I still wanted more. I just LOVE Macklemore! So much that I feel not even that (<---) exclamation point is enough. 

Of course like any other artist he played all his best known songs later on <3. One of them beginning with him spotting a guy who wore a fur coat to the concert in 100+ degree heat (you KNOW where this is going!). Macklemore then had the crowd surf the coat up to the stage and put it on, it was like an “anorexic grandma coat” because of how it made him feel so small and made him feel buff (haha).

After Thrift Shop Macklemore played a few more songs like Can’t Hold Us and Same Love featuring some special guests like Ray Dalton and Bun B. And then came the most special guest of them all, you know, the one exiled from Great Britain and loves dance parties…

The crowd went crazy for the act and just had a lot of fun with it. In the end I could not stop screaming and taking pictures. After the show we then went to my boyfriends favorite band TV on the Radio. It was pretty packed so we weren’t able to get close like he had hoped for. However we were able to get a good view of the screen and a bit of the stage. For this concert I didn’t really get pictures because I made the decision to get in a SUPER long line for a metal barrel cup for free soda refills, no regrets (still got to hear the whole thing). Although, by the time I got back thirty minutes had passed and we were all ready to go because he bf’s favorite song was played while I was gone. Anyways, great band, great performance, great day/night, especially because of what happened later.
On our way out of the concert we decided to pick up some concert shirts to remember the whole shebang. The plan then changed a little bit because the first tent we visited didn’t have our sizes so we ended up going down the festival to the main booth. It was there that the bf got the red fpsf shirt with the block style and dates and I got the fpsf shirt with doodles of all the artists. Of course me being the indecisive one, we stopped and as I spent a few minutes thinking whether or not to get the red shirt. Then it happened. Right as I was making up my mind I saw the guy with the fur coat. This wasn’t any fur coat though. This was the fur coat Macklemore touched. Forget the shirt, I wanted to touch that coat! After asking my boyfriend and his lil’ sis if it was normal I decided to kind of go up to the guy and ask if I could take a picture with his coat. “Real quick, real quick” he said as I motioned/told my boyfriend(the most camera awkward person haha) to take the picture with my camera while putting my arm around the coat. Unfortunately, my camera died and we weren’t able to take the picture so we went on (despite the fact that my boyfriend had his camera capable iphone) because in the end there are just some things you have to take in and remember. Touching  the coat Macklemore wore is just one of those things.

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