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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tinting Glass Jars (Permanent)

For this craft you will need:

-Martha Stewart’s glass paint(liquid fill paint in Bright Sky)
-Glass jars
-Medium sponge brush
-Aluminum foil

1.     Prepare the jars by soaking them for a while in warm soapy water to loosen the labels and use rubbing alcohol to get rid of the black expiration labels.

2.     Once the jars are clean and on newspaper apply the paint to the sponge brush and work to evenly coat the jars

3.     In between coats allow the paint to dry for an hour.

4.     After building up the layers to the tint you want allow the last layer to dry for an hour

5.     Place the jars on a sheet of aluminum foil on a tray.

6.     Place the jars in a cool oven an turn the oven on to 350 degrees to allow the glass to heat up slow.

7.     When the oven is heated bake the glass for 30 minutes and then turn off the oven and allow the oven to cool and let the glass sit for 72 hours.

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