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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Upcycling Glass Jars Into Vases

Just a quick snippet from life: an update from my little avocado plant. Started growing the little guy in a jar full of water a year ago and when it sprouted a little stem I couldn't help but be excited. Anyways with all that time it has grown enough to be in a big pot (: I'm so proud and hope it grows to be a tall tree one day (: Okay now back to the vase!
 For this craft you will need:

-a piece of ribbon(optional)
-a glass jar
-Krylon spray paint(satin meringue)

you can buy most of these supplies from hobby lobby. I think the jar was from some sort of jam.
 To begin:
1. lay out newspaper outside or in a well ventilated area. Make sure the paper is held down or else it could blow and ruin the paint job.

2. Place the jars upside down and paint the glass making sure to keep some distance from the glass to create an even coating then turn right side up to even out the paint. It might help to even hold the jar and rotate little by little spraying lightly. Wait 10 minutes in between coats. 
Tip: very lightly press the spray paint nozzle to help with finishing touches

 3. Let the paint dry for a an 10 minutes to an hour or so before handling and a day before using or getting wet.

And Voila! A beautiful vase for fake or real flowers! Also to be tied with a cute ribbon (: So go ahead and make those little vases and post your vase pictures in the comments.

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